Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

eBooks The New Normal: how libraries are leveraging the eBook opportunity

Please mark your calendars now and register to attend the webinar, “EBOOKS The New Normal: how libraries are leveraging the eBook opportunity” scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, 2011 and presented by Library Journal/School Library Journal. Presentations will take place throughout the day online, from 10 am to 6 pm EDT.

Ebooks: The New Normal

The official event description is:

This event will bring together librarians, vendors and publishers, and industry experts and offers keynote presentations as well as three tracks designed for public, academic, and K-12 libraries to discuss how libraries are leveraging the ebook opportunity to improve service and reach more users than ever before. Public librarians will share successful ebook initiatives and discuss how ebooks will transform public libraries. Academic librarians will present how they are mastering the transition, from patron driven acquisition to discovery to faculty adoption, while school librarians will be presented with working ebook models on the building, district, regional and state levels. There will be time for discussion and networking, and open time for attendees to visit the exhibits and attend vendor webcasts.

This year’s keynote will be delivered by author M.T. Anderson, author of The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Vol. 1: The Pox Party, winner of the National Book Award as well as the dystopian novel, Feed, which was a National Book Award Finalist, a Boston Globe–Horn Book winner, and an ALA Best Book for Young Adults. The day will close with a Pecha Kucha event, where eight participants will each give a seven minute presentation, featuring authors and thought leaders including Lawrence Block, Dr. Sai Gaddam, and Dr. Ogi Ogas.

Check out the entire webinar program. I’ll be joining librarians Joyce Valenza, Kathy Parker and Paige Jaeger in the 3 – 3:55 EST panel presentation, “Navigating the Road Ahead: A Guided Discussion of Ebooks in K-12 Libraries.” The content of my 15 minutes in the panel is still subject to change, but at this point I’m planning to share slides on the theme, “eBook & EPUB Publishing Tips: creating eBook yearbooks of student work.” I’ve shared those slides both as a Google Presentation and as images on Flickr.

Please plan to join us for this forward-looking webinar in several weeks online!

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3 responses to “eBooks The New Normal: how libraries are leveraging the eBook opportunity”

  1. Allanah King Avatar

    We made our first Pages ePub eBook last week and I was surprised just how easy the whole thing was. I even helped a friend make one in Word and converting with

    Then we made one using the Book Creator app.

    I’m hooked!

  2. Miguel Guhlin Avatar
    Miguel Guhlin

    You failed to mention the cost, Wes! It’s $59.95. Please include that…it would have saved me 3 minutes of creating a school library account!!

  3. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    I’m sorry Miguel… I guess I should have included the pricing. Not free… I am about to publish my 12 minutes of comments as a free audio podcast, however. 🙂