Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Create a Custom Google Gadget for Blogger or Google Sites

A large number of “Google Gadgets” are available to insert into sites you create with Blogger and Google Sites.

'Google Gadgets: User Stats' photo (c) 2007, Danny Sullivan - license:

It is possible to create a custom Google Gadget also, which can be embedded in multiple pages. In this seven minute screencast, I describe how to create a simple Google Gadget which can serve as another navigational menu on a series of webpages. One of the biggest benefits of using a Google Gadget for this purpose is that instead of updating separate pages which use the Gadget, you only need to update the Gadget ONCE and all the pages which use it will be updated. This link, “Hosting through the Google Gadgets Editor,” is referenced in the screencast. I also mention Mars Edit, my favorite blog post editor.

Give a custom Google Gadget a try!

See my post from last week, “Optimize a Google Site for Mobile Accessibility and Metrics,” for more tips about creating websites using Google Sites.

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