Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Use Appointment Slots on a Google Calendar

Google Calendar (free) offers a wonderful feature for teachers: The ability to set up “appointment slots” which other people can click on to schedule a meeting at an available time. This is ideal for scheduling parent-teacher conferences or other meetings in which individuals in a group need to specify a time that works with their schedule to meet with you. In this five minute screencast, I explain how to setup and use Google Calendar appointment slots. Refer to the Google Calendar support page, “Using Appointment slots,” for more information about this powerful technique for scheduling meetings.

'Google Calendar' photo (c) 2006, Jope - license:

If you need to schedule a meeting with folks who are not all users of your organization’s calendar system, my favorite free tool to use is

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3 responses to “Use Appointment Slots on a Google Calendar”

  1. Englishwitherika Avatar

    Excellent! Thanks.

  2. Holly Lara Avatar
    Holly Lara

    Thanks for the post! We’ve been trying to get this to work, but even a public calendar requires a parent to login to a Google calendar to access it and sign up for an appointment. Have you discovered a way around this? Google’s help pages say “Users must have a Google Calendar account to book an appointment.” Internally for our school, this is a great tool, but unless all of our parents have Google accounts, we can’t figure out a way to let them sign up for an appointment.