This evening I used TextWrangler to parse session data from the 135 page PDF file published for the upcoming OTA – EncycloMedia 2012 conference in Oklahoma City (February 7-8) into a public Google Spreadsheet. Use the following shortened URL to access this version of the schedule in a computer web browser or on your mobile device / smartphone / iPad:
I hope this mobile-friendly conference session format helps you find great sessions at the conference, if you’re attending. This is the first year EncycloMedia (which has historically been held in the fall) has merged with the OTA conference. David Warlick is our keynote this year and it should be great!
I’m playing with a test installation of MobileAP to possibly create an iOS-friendly mobile conference site for breakout session info, but I still need to figure out how to import session data into the mySQL database. Not sure if I’ll figure this out or not but I’ll keep playing with it. It’s a very sweet, free academic conference app I wrote about in September 2009, developed originally at the University of Cincinnati.
Technorati Tags: oklahoma, otaem12, ota, encyclomedia, technology, library