Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Calculate and Learn about Percentages with Percentage Calculator

Mateusz Mucha, a web developer in Krakow, Poland, has developed a free, online tool called “Percentage Calculator” you should show to your math students and use with them in class. Use this tool by visiting I tried embedding the actual calculator on my own website, but for some reason that version didn’t work to make the conversions automatically. (That may be a WordPress limitation for executeable javascript code.)

While the built-in calculator features of Google Search are extremely powerful, the syntax required to use the “Google calculator” requires some study. That process is valuable and good, but I like how Mateusz’ Percentage Calculator does not require any special syntax formatting. The layout is simple and straightforward. He has also included some helpful information about percentages on the homepage of his site.

Percentage Calculator

Mateusz has also created the website Blood Pressure Chart, which provides a cloud-based / web-based way for people to save their blood pressure information so it can be shared with doctors or others the individual selects. I really like the clean look of the ‘forums’ section of his Blood Pressure Chart website, where updates are available about the project as well as other information. I’m going to try and learn what tool he used to create these, it would be great if they are powered with a WordPress Plug-in.

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