Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Save and Transfer YouTube Videos to an iPad

(Cross-posted from

Sometimes, to teach a class, its can be helpful to save a local, temporary copy of a YouTube video to your computer and transfer it to an iPad. Then the iPad can play the video from its “Photo Roll” without being connected to the Internet. This is especially helpful in places where wifi Internet access to YouTube is not available. In this four minute tutorial, Wesley Fryer explains how to use the free website along with the $2 iPad application PhotoSync (and free desktop companion software) to do this.

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'apple' photo (c) 2011, Gustavo Devito - license:

For a non-video version of this tutorial, see my January 2012 post, “Temporarily Copy Offline YouTube Videos to Your iPad.” For insight into copyright / intellectual property disagreements which exist for this type of TEMPORART/short-term, offline downloading of YouTube videos for educational/non-commercial purposes (if you’re a member of the Google Certified Teachers Google Group) see this discussion thread. I specifically address the copyright implications of making and using temporary copies of YouTube videos for educational purposes in my eBook and book, “Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing.”

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