Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Introduction to Digital Storytelling by Alec Couros

These are my notes from Alec Couros‘s breakout session, “Introduction to Digital Storytelling,” on March 6, 2012, at the Heartland eLearning Conference at the University of Central Oklahoma. Alec blogs on “” MY THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. The official conference description of Alec’s presentation was:

Story telling is one of the most ancient and powerful forms of human expression. In today’s media rich world, there are an abundance of digital tools that allow students to express themselves through digital narratives in ways that would have been impossible only a few years ago. This presentation will introduce participants to the tools of digital story telling, provide rich examples of student work, and help to provide context to the relevance of story telling in curriculum and instruction.

Alec’s Google Doc handout for today:

I recorded Alec’s session (with permission, of course, for open online sharing) on my iPad with the Cinch app:Nice hack: put “.qr” after any link, the site will automatically create a custom QR code to your link

Nice thing about digital stories: we can remix media, use lots of different platforms
– can share

I’m working on an oral history digital storytelling project now in Canada

Remix of a Movie Trailer: “The Shining Recut

To do something like this (which is done through ‘fair use’ – parody exemption and educational use) is very challenging
– moving from a horror movie to a romantic comedy is very challenging

THE ORIGINAL Scary ‘Mary Poppins’ Recut Trailer

These are called ‘video reduxes’

Shooting Fish In The Barrel, Why Is It That?

“Dead Island” Theme + Thai Insurance Commercial = Infinite Sads

Ask when you watch movies like this, what made you ‘feel’ this?

New Spice | Study like a scholar, scholar

Watching “Blockbuster Offers Glimpse Of Movie Renting Past

The story of peoples learning is very important
– my students all have a “learning project” they are required to document
– example of a student sharing the story of him learning to play the Ukelele, using ‘record now’ on YouTube

Story of a Girl (stop motion example)

Students record summary of learning: My personal account of learning – ECMP 355

example of Claymation: ECI831 Artifact rmunkler

example of “choose your own adventure” storytelling via YouTube: You won the Decision Game!

We use the American Film Institute’s “door scene”
– students have to re-create

Tons of examples on YouTube of “door scene”

The Wilhelm Scream Compilation

Very clever: Google Search Stories

Parisian Love example

You can create this with a tool: Google Search Stories

5 Card Flickr Story by Alan Levine

Are you ready to play Five Card flickr?

Pic-Lits is example to use with younger learners (tech stories)

Storybird: Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you make to share, read, and print.

most of these tools are available with or without an account

Pixlr: free online photo editor, can use instead of Picnik

Flickr: Great quotes about Learning and Change

I use a separate Flickr account for students in my class, share the private email address for them sharing photos into a central pool
– I change the private email address / reset it at the end of each term

Example of VoiceThread: After Chernobyl – What Would you Say?

Now showing

3 closing thoughts:

1- start thinking about stories in broader terms (we are often telling stories on a daily basis)

2- look for stories and ask your students to bring stories to you (do shared screenings)

3- start looking at the different tools which let you tell stories

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