Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Free K12 Lesson Plans from K20ALT for STEM & More! (Audio Podcast with Adam Zodrow)

(cross-posted from Oklahoma EduShare)

This 11 minute audio podcast is an interview with Adam Zodrow about the amazing lesson plans and free resources available from the K20ALT (Authentic Teaching and Learning) website: Adam is currently a fulltime librarian in Yukon Public Schools, Oklahoma, but previously worked on staff at the K-20 Center at the University of Oklahoma. His description of the hands-on STEM project K20ALT educators designed and facilitated in Vinita, Oklahoma, is amazing. I highly encourage everyone to check out the videos of that project specifically. It’s not every day you learn about a hands-on STEM project in which students learn how to create electricity from wind energy using a dowel-rod / CD / magnet dynamo built for $15 each. The K20ALT educators are incredibly smart and innovative and they’ve got a ton to teach us. What a bummer the primary funding for this project was cut by Oklahoma State Superintendent Janet Barresi in her first state budget of 2011. Hopefully creative souls will find ways to keep the K20ALT lights (and website) shining. There are great resources on their site. Find Adam on Twitter @zodzilla.

Podcast playback / download options:

Check out the incredible Interdisciplinary Wind Energy Unit: Sweeping Down the Plains!

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2 responses to “Free K12 Lesson Plans from K20ALT for STEM & More! (Audio Podcast with Adam Zodrow)”

  1. Levi Patrick Avatar
    Levi Patrick

    Great story! The great news is we’re still funded…Dr. Barresi has actually done some pretty amazing things to get our funding back. Thanks for the publicity!

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    That is great news on the funding front, Levi… I hope the work you all have done the past 3 years can continue and expand. Please keep me posted.