Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Educational Technology Podcasts from Kansas City: Storytelling and Visual Literacy Activity Ideas

Yesterday I shared two breakout sessions in Kansas City, Kansas, at the district-wide “Inspiring Excellence Conference” to wrap up the year. I used a Sony ICD PX312 digital voice recorder (linked on the “Digital Backpack Contents” entry on the Storychasers FAQ page) to create “no-edit” recordings of these sessions, and last night published them to my secondary podcast channel, “Fuel for Educational Change Agents” powered by free/open source Podcast Generator software. I specifically setup this podcast website/channel to streamline the publication of conference audio recordings like this which I don’t want to take time to edit and can basically publish “as is.” In “Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing,” I call this kind of audio recording publication “no-edit audio podcasting.” I’ve started a workflow/resources/tool page on “Mapping Media to the Curriculum” for No-Edit Podcasting too.

The description on the site is:

This audio podcast channel includes a variety of audio recordings by and recorded by Wesley Fryer, published for educators worldwide interested in free, audio-based professional development. This is a supplementary podcast channel (complementing “Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts”) which typically includes longer and lightly edited or unedited audio recordings.

I learned about Podcast Generator software as a result of my dissertation research relating to phone casting and podcasting. It’s a great little software program that is pretty simply to install, configure and use on a shared hosting server account. Last night I just compressed the recorded audio files to 32 Kbps (to reduce file size) using free Switch software, and then published them to the site. See my November 2010 post and screencast tutorial, “How to publish an audio lecturecast with Podcast Generator (screencast demo)” for more info on configuring and using Podcast Generator.

Here are the audio podcast links, resource pages, and session descriptions for my breakouts yesterday. I also recorded the keynote and may publish it later, but I’ll edit it a bit to remove the participant “talk time” breaks.

Deepening our Learning Through Storytelling: creativity, STEM and stories (May 2012)direct mp3 podcast link

This podcast is an audio recording of Wesley Fryer’s breakout session at the May 29, 2012, “Inspiring Excellence” conference in Kansas City Kansas Public Schools titled, “Deepening our Learning Through Storytelling: creativity, STEM and stories.” The official session description and referenced resources link was: As learners of all ages (teachers and students) we need to “play with media” and utilize media tools to communicate. Good stories start with good writing and an invitation to share. In this session we’ll explore and discuss examples of digital media focusing specifically on science and math themes. Slides and referenced videos are linked on An archived Google Doc version of our Etherpad collaborative document used for interaction and link sharing during the session is also available.

(I used the same slide deck as I used in Sept 2011 in Yarmouth, Maine)

Tell a Story in 5 Photos (May 2012)direct mp3 podcast link

This podcast is an audio recording of Wesley Fryer’s breakout session at the May 29, 2012, “Inspiring Excellence” conference in Kansas City Kansas Public Schools titled, “Tell a Story in 5 Photos.” The official session description and link for session resources was: Visual literacy and visual communication skills can be developed effectively through image-based communication. In this session we will discuss examples of five photo stories, explore copyright-friendly websites for finding images to use in five photo stories, and learn how to create and share five photo stories with a variety of web-based tools. Access session links/resources on: Check out our creative narrated 5 photo digital story, created as an enhanced eBook for iPad, “Attack of the Funnel Cake Frauds”. Check out several of the “5 Photo Fairy Tale Charades” stories we created also on

I stopped recording this session when we started our group work time.

I’d love to see more people record and share audio from conference sessions, following the example of Bob Sprankle the past few years as he’s attended the BLC conference. It would be great to see more conference organizers at least selectively share podcast audio recordings from sessions. This is something leaders in Yukon Public Schools did last January for our in-district staff development day, sharing files quickly via a Posterous blog ( instead of a platform like Podcast Generator.

'Digital Design Talks: Storytelling' photo (c) 2008, VFS Digital Design - license:

