Today I had a wonderful opportunity to chat with Bob Sprankle over a FaceTime videoconference. As generally happens when I have chances to visit with Bob, he shared a number of outstanding books which I’ve added to my Amazon wish list and hope to read soon. (I may listen to some of these on Audible instead.) Here’s today’s list. I also added these to my “To Read” shelf on GoodReads, though it is far less comprehensive. These are all linked to the Kindle version if one is available.
The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr (author site)
Net Smart: How to Thrive Online by Howard Rheingold (author site)
Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World by Jane McGonigal (author site)
Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other by Sherry Turkle (book site – author website)
Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury (this is the link to an audio version, a Kindle version isn’t available)
Bob also mentioned a couple of his posts from the past few months that are well worth checking out, related to topics we discussed:
The books I’ve read recently or am reading now which I mentioned to Bob are:
A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs (free via Project Gutenberg, I read the “EPUB with images” version in iBooks on my iPhone)
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore By Moonbot Studios LA, LLC ($5 on iTunes – official site for the film, the app & the book)
The Secret History of the American Empire by John Perkins (author site)
What are the best books you’ve read recently or are reading now that you’d recommend to others?