Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Podcast393: Reflections on UnPlug’d 2012 with David Truss & Gail Lovely

This podcast includes reflections with David Truss and Gail Lovely at the close of the UnPlug’d 2012 Conference at Northern Edge Algonquin in Ontario, Canada. Refer to the podcast shownotes for referenced and related links to UnPlug’d.

Show Notes:

  1. Tweets from #unplugd12
  2. Unplug’d website
  3. Northern Edge Algonquin
  4. Northern Edge Algonquin on Twitter: @northernedge
  5. Flickr Pool from Unplug’d 2012
  6. David Truss on Twitter: @datruss
  7. Blog of David Truss: Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts: Reflections on Education, Technology and Learning
  8. Posts by David Truss on Connected Principals
  9. Gail Lovely on Twitter: @glovely
  10. Gail Lovely’s website:
  11. The Moose by Rod Murray
  12. Tango! by Guillaume Semblat
  13. Fuel for Educational Change Agents (Wesley Fryer’s secondary podcast channel)

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9 responses to “Podcast393: Reflections on UnPlug’d 2012 with David Truss & Gail Lovely”

  1. Gail Lovely Avatar
    Gail Lovely

    Thanks for sharing this with me and the world. It is allowing me to reflect on my thoughts which I shared with you whilst at the unplugd event. The quote I referenced is: “We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.” by John Dewey.

    Thanks again, Wes.

  2. Guillaume Avatar

    Hello Wess, iI just listen these 2 interviews and it was great!

  3. Guillaume Avatar

    Hello Wess, iI just listen these 2 interviews and it was great!