This evening we had our second Oklahoma Education Chat on Twitter, using the #oklaEd hashtag. We’re meeting at 8 pm CST on Sunday nights, which is a great time but also a popular one for Twitter Chats. Our first EdCampOKC was the catalyst for these ongoing education Twitter chats a week ago on February 23rd, and I’m VERY energized by the collaboration and connections they’re providing for teachers in our state.
Prior to the start of #oklaEd chats I’d only participated in Twitter chats a few times as “scheduled events,” but used Twitter hashtags a lot at educational conferences. Hootsuite is my preferred Twitter client both in my Chrome web browser as well as iPhone, but for scheduled education chats I’ve found the TweetChat website (free) is awesome. I love how it automatically adds the hashtag for the Twitter conversation you’re following, so there is no need to remember it each time you contribute. I actually used two Chrome windows tonight with two instances of TweetChat running, so I could also participate a little in the #urbanED discussions.
If you haven’t yet participated in a scheduled education chat, I strongly encourage you to do so… especially if you’re in Oklahoma! Join our Sunday evenings at 8 #oklaEd chat! Whatever chat you choose (Cybraryman has the best list of educational Twitter chats going) I definitely recommend you try using TweetChat. Any kind of text chat can be overwhelming, especially when the conversations are good. TweetChat can help, at a minimum by ‘remembering’ to include the correct hashtag for your conversation so you don’t have to!
Here’s the archive of our #oklaEd chat tonight. Good conversations! I’m continuing to build a list of Oklahoma educators on Twitter, and if you’re not on that last (but should be) please let me know!
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