Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

EduBrawl! Pros Debate Mobile, Flipped and Games

If you’re in or near Austin Texas and the SXSWedu Conference, I invite you to join the session “EduBrawl! Pros Debate Mobile, Flipped and Games” tomorrow (Tuesday March 5th) from 9 to 10 am in the Austin Convention Center Room 15. The session description is:


The gloves are off and our educator panelists give you a ringside seat discussing the tips and traps on these hot topics being implemented in real classrooms:

Mobile learning & devices,

flipped classrooms,

game-based learning.

A diverse panel represents their own opinions plus the the voice of educators from 2013 survey data on trends and teaching strategies used by educators nationwide. Hear the debate on how change agents bring innovation to schools compared to how a new teacher or experienced teacher are navigating students and administrators demands.

Our conversation is going to be lively! Please plan to join us if you can.


* Full disclosure: My participation in this panel is supported / made possible by We Are Teachers.

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