Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Lessons Learned From Day 3 Of Scratch Camp

This is an audio reflection by Wesley Fryer after day three of the spring break Scratch camp in Yukon Oklahoma in March 2013. Scratch is a wonderful, FREE software program from MIT which allows students to create games, tell stories, create animations, and make many other kinds of interactive projects.

The “NINJA SURVIVE” project mentioned in this reflection is available on the Scratch website. The handout for a basic maze game in Scratch is available from the ScratchEd website, and also linked from the “Challenges” page of our March 2013 Scratch curriculum.

Also check out the podcast “Lessons Learned After Two Days of Scratch Camp (March 2013)” from yesterday. Our March 2013 Scratch Camp curriculum is available.

I recorded and published this audio podcast with the free iPhone app iPadio, which is included as a recommended tool on the “Radio Show” page of Mapping Media to the Common Core.

Scratch Blocks

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