Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Wind Energy in the Classroom at Podstock 2013

Today at the 2013 Podstock conference in Wichita, Kansas, Dan Whisler shared a great presentation titled, “Energy 101 – KidWind & the SHS Chevy Volt Project.” Dan discussed a TON of great ways to teach multi-disciplinary concepts through hands-on wind energy science projects! Dan’s Podstock 2013 bio is:

Dan Whisler has taught Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, and Environmental Science at Sterling (KS) High School for the past 28 years. Sterling High School was one of the initial schools selected for participation in the Kansas Wind for Schools Program. Dan has considerable experience in energy-related educational programs, is trained as a KidWind Wind Senator, and is the creator of and project director for the SHS Chevy Volt Project. Through these programs students are not just studying science, they are “doing” science! Selected for the 2011 Outstanding Secondary Science Teacher Award by the Kansas State University Chapter of Sigma Xi, Dan has a passion to help students and the much larger extended community raise their level of awareness for energy-related issues.

I practiced my visual notetaking skills (using the Brushes app on my iPad) to document my learning from his session.

Untitled #145

Learn more about the awesome KidWind project by watching their videos on Vimeo, following @KidWind_Project on Twitter, and visiting their main website. I won the “Mini Wind Turbine” (a $37 value) as a session door prize from KidWind. I’m excited to share this with my wife’s 3rd – 5th grade students this upcoming school year! One of the session attendees today won Kidwind’s “Advanced Wind Experiment Kit – Classroom Pack” which sells for $350! Thanks KidWind for supporting Dan’s presentation and Podstock!

Dean Mantz video recorded Dan’s session on Ustream.

Video streaming by Ustream

I used Brushes Viewer software to create an animated video version of my visual notes and posted those to YouTube as well, since I’ll be sharing a Podstock session tomorrow on visual notetaking. I also audio recorded Dan’s session, and may post that later as an audio podcast.

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