Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

4th Grade Virtual Tour of a California Mission in Minecraft

In her outstanding June 8, 2013, webinar for Classroom 2.0 Live focusing on digital portfolios in the classroom, Holly Clark (@hollyedtechdiva) extolled the following four minute screencast created by a fourth grade student of his Minecraft virtual replica of Mission San Diego de Alcalá in San Diego, California. Wow! Holly wasn’t kidding, this is an AMAZING student project for many reasons!

As you watch this video, consider:

  1. The quality of information presented in a meaningful context in the screencast
  2. The authentic way the student had to ‘own’ the information and knowledge he presented, as he served as a virtual tour guide
  3. The benefits of this project becoming part of the student’s “digital portfolio” of work he’s created in elementary school
  4. The ways the student developed and demonstrated his digital literacy skills, as well as presentation abilities, in this screencast presentation
  5. The ways showing this product to your own students could inspire them to think about ways to use Minecraft this year to create simulations of different things they study in the formal curriculum

I added the link to this project as well as the backstory, shared by David Malone, to the screencast and simulation pages of Mapping Media to the Common Core. Thanks so much to Holly and David for sharing this inspiring example!

Check out for ideas and resources about utilizing Minecraft in the classroom. Also check out the Minecraft-related episodes of the EdGamer podcast (@edgamer) on EdReach (@EdReachUs). Also check out Alexander Fryer‘s presentation for the 2012 K-12 Online Conference, “Creating and Playing in Minecraft.”

What do you want to create today? How about your students? Perhaps at least one of them would like to create a Minecraft simulation like this one, and share it on the global stage via a screencast on YouTube!

Full On 2012 - Minecraft by Andrew Beeston, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  Andrew Beeston 

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