Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Welcome to Hogwarts (August 2013)

These are the slides I’ll be using for the opening keynote tomorrow at the 2013 TechKnowledgey Conference at the University of Montana in Missoula, sponsored by Blackfoot Telecom and Western Montana CSPD. The presentation includes quite a bit of new content for me, and I’ve titled it, “Welcome to Hogwarts.”

Welcome to Hogwarts (August 2013) from Wesley Fryer

The description I included on the SlideShare is:

As exponential digital changes continue to transform the ways people communicate around the world, we are challenged as educators to consider not only how we help students learn but “toward what ends” we help students learn. The goals of this presentation were to challenge audience members’ ideas about both school and learning, inspire attendees to “do magic” with technology and students, and persuade educators to radically create and share.

This presentation is scheduled to start at 8:30 am Mountain time on Wednesday, August 7th, and it will be streamed live as a videoconference via VisionNet. I’m not sure if a web stream will be available but I think it might, follow the Twitter hashtag #mtedtech for updates in the morning if you’d like to tune in. I’ll also audio record the session for later sharing as a podcast.

Let the magic begin!

Casting a Powerful Spell by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License  by  Wesley Fryer 

Links to all the breakout sessions and workshops I’ll be offering this week in Missoula are available on

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2 responses to “Welcome to Hogwarts (August 2013)”

  1. EdTechSandyK Avatar

    How did your presentation go? Was it recorded and archived somewhere others can access? The slide deck has me wanting to know more!!!

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    I audio recorded the session and will post it as a podcast soon. 🙂