Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Why Don’t Some Teachers Let Students CREATE In Class?

Today during my breakout session on “Creating Narrated Slideshows” in Freeport, Maine, at the RSU5 “iPad Learning” professional development day, teachers used the free website Padlet (formerly “WallWisher”) to brainstorm reasons why some teachers do NOT allow students to CREATE in class. Teachers used iPads as well as laptop computers, using web browsers, to add their textual ideas to our Padlet page.

Why You Can't Create (Brainstorming on Padlet)

There are LOTS of different reasons why at different times, teachers don’t let students CREATE. It’s messy. There are lots of unknowns. Students might be more off-task then usual. The list goes on.

John Dewey was right, however, when he repeatedly observed and contended that WE LEARN WHAT WE DO. In school, whether we’re using technology devices or not, we need to constantly MAKE STUFF if we want learning to be authentic and “sticky.”

In School We Need to Constantly MAKE STUFF

I recorded the audio from this presentation and posted it to my “Fuel 4 Educational Change Agents” secondary podcast channel. This is the first audio podcast I’ve “normalized” using the free web platform Auphonic. I was able to create a “pre-set” for the podcast channel which not only includes textual meta-information, but also an outro audio file. If you create audio or video podcasts, you definitely should check out Auphonic!

Auphonic Production - Fuel for Educational Change Agents

Status of "Creating Narrated Slideshows (August 2013)"

Result of "Creating Narrated Slideshows (August 2013)"

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12 responses to “Why Don’t Some Teachers Let Students CREATE In Class?”

  1. morgan rushlow Avatar
    morgan rushlow

    I agree that there are so many reasons that teachers don’t let students create-but I believe that letting them be able to create helps the learning process speed up and students learn more than if they don’t create. This was a very interesting post-very well thought’s a link to my EDM 310 student blog -