Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Supporting Children of Incarcerated Parents (Narrated Slideshow)

(This is cross-posted from For the past couple years I’ve been a volunteer with Redeeming the Family, an Oklahoma 501c3 nonprofit, which sends teams of volunteers into Oklahoma prisons to help parents who are inmates record DVD messages for their children: reading books to them and sharing messages of love. I strongly encourage you to view this narrated slideshow (playing the synchronized audio) and share this project with others in your state. Currently “The Messages Project” is only in 4 U.S. states: Virginia, Nebraska, Missouri, and Oklahoma. One non-profit has started to bring it to one California prison. Many people wonder what we can do to help children and families affected by incarceration. “Redeeming the Family” has a very positive and powerful answer to that question.)

On Friday, September 6, 2013, Redeeming the Family executive director Cheri Fuller shared a presentation for the “Oklahoma Children of Incarcerated Parents Task Force” in Oklahoma City. The slides and synchronized, recorded audio from that presentation are available in the following Slidecast on SlideShare. The presentation, before the question and answer period, was 35 minutes long.

Supporting Children of Incarcerated Parents (September 2013) from Redeeming the Family

Cheri shared three different video clips during her presentation. The complete video, “Found Causes: Redeeming the Family,” is available on YouTube.

Please consider making a financial donation now to help continue the work of Redeeming the Family in bringing The Messages Project to Oklahoma children with incarcerated parents.

Redeeming the Family

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