Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Amplify Art with Media (Oct 2013)

Yesterday was a special treat for me in several ways. Not only did I have morning and evening opportunities to go for long walks on a beautiful Florida beach, I also had a chance to share some ideas with art teachers attending the Florida Art Education Association’s 2013 Conference in Daytona Beach. I titled my keynote, “Amplify Art with Media,” and synchronized the recorded audio from the session to my presentation slides on SlideShare. The links on the slides are “clickable” on a laptop or desktop computer browser (but not when viewed with an iOS device) and most are also included on this Google Sites handout wiki page.

Amplify Art with Media (Oct 2013) from Wesley Fryer

In my presentation, I shared several videos created by the amazing and creative Tricia Fugelstad and Carol Broos. If you have not already, you NEED to follow and subscribe to both these fantastic teachers. They have been and continue to be inspirational to me and thousands of other teachers. Find Tricia on:

Twitter: @fuglefun
Vimeo: (this is the most amazing channel of school art videos I’ve EVER seen!) All her videos are also indexed on this WikiSpaces page.
Her classroom blog: Dryden Art

Tricia’s 3 minute 16 second video with her students, “I Am Art,” is one of my all-time favorites.

I AM ART from Tricia Fuglestad on Vimeo.

Index of amazing Fugleflicks Student Art Videos

Also check out my notes from Tricia’s presentation at the 2013 ICE conference, “Creative Digital Art Projects that put STEAM into STEM,” and the archive of Tricia’s webinar for Classroom 2.0 Live in April 2013.

Find Carol Broos on:
Twitter: @musictechie
On her Blog: Be a Techie Through Music

Carol will be sharing a presentation in a couple weeks for this year’s K-12 Online Conference about becoming a “triple threat” in the classroom with technology: Learning how and showing students how to create your OWN digital art, digital music, and other digital media. This is homegrown classroom multimedia at it’s finest! If you’re not familiar with the term “triple threat” in the context of musical theater, the College Conservatory of Music offers a good definition:

At CCM we are in the business of turning out “Triple Threats” — talented young people who can sing, dance and act with equal accomplishment. Our students contribute positively to the growth of the American musical theatre. We encourage them to explore techniques beyond the spoken word to project dramatic ideas. We make the non-literal an essential part of the creative and interpretive process.

I LOVE Carol’s analogy that this is what we should strive for in the context of digital media in the classroom with art, music and video! Check out Carol’s “teaser trailer” for her presentation for K-12 Online:

Also, if you didn’t previously, be sure to check out Carol’s keynote from the 2011 K-12 Online Conference, which she titled, “Get RIPped: Rigor, Innovation, and Passion.”

Choose to be inspired by Tricia, Carol, and other creative teachers sharing their ideas and AMPLIFYING both student work and student voices on the global stage of the Internet! Not coincidentally, Tricia is also presenting again this year for K-12 Online too!

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3 responses to “Amplify Art with Media (Oct 2013)”

  1. Chan Bliss Avatar
    Chan Bliss

    It was a great weekend fro a walk on the beach. Thanks for all the ideas, I’ve already started working on ways to use Audioboo in my student art show in December.