Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

MinecraftEDU Tips: An iPad Narrated Slideshow Created with @HaikuDeck & @ExplainEvrythng

This evening I taught the sixth of seven classes for K-12 teachers in Montana on “Mapping Media to the Common Core: Part 1.” I love teaching this class over H.323 videoconferencing from my house! Tonight we focused primarily on creating narrated slideshows and screencasts. Following class, I used the iPad apps Haiku Deck, Mail, Explain Everything, PhotoSync, and YouTube Capture to create and publish a seven minute narrated slideshow I titled, “MinecraftEDU Tips (Jan 2014.)” I provided some additional background about how I made this in my post tonight on our class blog.

MinecraftEDU by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  Wesley Fryer 

I added this video along with the introductory slides I’m using with students this week to my MinecraftEDU curriculum page. The MinecraftEDU Controls Quickstart Guide (PDF) I reference in the above video is also linked on that page.

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One response to “MinecraftEDU Tips: An iPad Narrated Slideshow Created with @HaikuDeck & @ExplainEvrythng”

  1. Haiku Deck Avatar
    Haiku Deck

    Amazingly cool, Wes! Thanks for the mention!