Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Twitter Archived Learning from EdCampOKC 2014

Last Saturday I participated in our second annual EdCampOKC, this year at US Grant High School in Oklahoma City Public Schools. OKCPS was a fantastic host for EdCampOKC – not only were the facilities great, the wifi network was fast and reliable all day! Woo hoo! Thanks to Cisco, Eric Hileman and Scott Meyer for the behind-the-scenes work that made this critical piece work! Also many thanks to our entire organizer team, including Anne Beck, Amanda James, Dan Krutka, John Allen, Jonathan Atchley, Julie Gathright, Leslie Whittington, Scott Meyer, Tammy Parks, and Toby Brown.

EdCampOKC 2014 Organizers by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  Wesley Fryer 

While I still periodically blog and podcast conference sessions I attend, at events like EdCamps I generally find it better to tweet sessions. Tweeting at sessions provides the opportunity to amplify both ideas and individuals via “linktribution.” One of the best parts of an EdCamp is being able to connect via Twitter with other attendees and participants. Last year at our first EdCampOKC our #OklaEd twitter community and Sunday night weekly Twitterchat was born. This year sessions and discussions in which I was involved led to planning for our first “PlayDate conference” in Oklahoma City, which should be scheduled soon… most likely near the end of March. I added several new folks to the “Oklahoma Education” Twitter list I started building last year. There are 297 members currently.

While tweeting events has tremendous value for realtime idea and individual amplification, unless people use a tool like Storify to archive tweets the links and good ideas shared can be largely lost to posterity. For that reason, I used Storify this morning to archive all of my tweets from EdCampOKC last Saturday as well as a few by others. Here’s my tweeted archive of last Saturday’s learning! My own tweets with the #edcampOKC hashtag are also saved in my personal “Tweet Nest” twitter archive.

Please save the date for EdCampOKC 2015: It will be Saturday, February 28, 2015!

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3 responses to “Twitter Archived Learning from EdCampOKC 2014”

  1. Mapnmop Avatar

    Wow! That was a lot of good learning! I like how you explained how Twitter can be a good tool to use during workshops over blogs, and you shared how you can Storify the information and have “tweet nests” to go back to. I am so new to Twitter that this is currently beyond me, but I like knowing about it so that as I advance in my prowess, I can plan on this.

    Any good suggestions for a quick tutorial on how to “Storify” or create a “tweet nest?”

  2. Wesley Fryer Avatar

    For Storify, here is a 5 minute tutorial video:

    Also the Storify tour gives a good overview:

    The setup for TweetNest is more technical, a wrote a post on it in May 2012:

  3. Mapnmop Avatar

    Thank you so much for the quick and thorough response! I shared these links on my blog so that the other EDM510 students can benefit from them too.