Spring Break starts next week for students and teachers in Oklahoma City Public Schools, and the following week for most of the other districts in our state. The OKC Metro Libraries have declared the month of March to be Teen DIY (Do It Yourself) Tech Month.
The best way to stay updated on related events is to subscribe to the Google Calendar you’ll find when you click the DATES link on the Teen Tech Month website. Then you can display all the events in your own Google Calendar, or a Google-compatible iOS calendar like Tempo. (I’ve been using Tempo the past year on my iPhone and love it.)
It’s great to see our Oklahoma City Metro Libraries promoting both digital literacy and the DIY / Maker mindset through this series of activities in March 2013!
Follow @metrolibraryok on Twitter for more updates!
Technorati Tags: city, okc, oklahoma, metro, library, diy, teen, tech, spring, break