Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Free Browser-based Screencasting with Screencast-O-Matic

Infrequently I’m required to use a Windows computer to create something, and today I needed to combine 2 PDFs for our school newsletter and post them to our website. Our district is using DotNetNuke as our CMS (content management system) and for some reason our site pages need to be edited in Internet Explorer for Windows. (Strange things have happened when I’ve edited with my favorite browser on all platforms, Google Chrome.) I recorded a 7 minute, 45 second screencast today demonstrating how I use the free Windows software program “PDFmate PDF Converter Free” to combine 2 PDF files into a single file, and then publish that file to our school website.

I recorded and posted this screencast to YouTube using the free, browser-based website and service Screencast-O-Matic. Since I don’t have a Pro account it created a small, unobtrusive watermark in the lower left corner of my final video. Screencast-O-Matic (@screencasto on Twitter) works almost identically to Screenr, which used to be my favorite browser-based screencasting tool. Unfortunately, Screenr hasn’t been updated for awhile and now it’s not compatible with the latest version of Java. I added Screencast-O-Matic to the Narrated Slideshow / Screencast page of Mapping Media.






3 responses to “Free Browser-based Screencasting with Screencast-O-Matic”

  1. Sarah Carl Avatar
    Sarah Carl

    Dr. Fryer, my name is Sarah Carl and I am an elementary education major at the University of South Alabama. I have a Mac but I have had this problem before and never knew how to combine files. After watching your video, I realized how simple the process is with the correct software program. Thank you for taking the time to make this video and to show us how to combine files easily.
    Twitter: @sarah_carl11