Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Fall 2014 EdCamp Oklahoma Video Project

Have you attended an EdCamp in Oklahoma? We’ve had SEVEN EdCamps since 2013 and more are on the way! Tammy Parks (@tparks) and I are sharing a session on October 7th at our state technology conference (OTA / EncycloMedia) about EdCamps in Oklahoma, and would love to share YOUR perspectives via video and in-person if you can join us. Here’s how you can help and participate.

In the next couple of weeks (by midnight, Friday October 3, 2014) record a 30 – 60 second video of yourself with your smartphone or tablet. Share why you love EdCamps and recommend EdCamps as PD for other teachers. Post your video to YouTube, and make sure you set the video to either PUBLIC or UNLISTED, not “private.” Then submit this Google Form to share the link to your video.

I’ll compile / aggregate the submitted videos into a YouTube playlist, and also create a combined video using some or all of the submissions to share during the OTA / EncycloMedia session. Please forward this post and request to other educators you know who have attended an EdCamp so we can get their input / ideas as well! THANKS!

EdCampTulsa 2014 by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  Wesley Fryer 




