Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

EdCamp, eBooks & STEM (OTA – EncycloMedia 2014)

Our annual OTA (Oklahoma Technology Association) and EncycloMedia Conference is this week on Tuesday and Wednesday in Oklahoma City, and I’ll be co-presenting and sharing three different sessions. Here are the links to the slides and referenced resources for each session. I’ll likely audio-record these for later sharing on my secondary “Fuel for Educational Change Agents” podcast as well as the STEM Seeds website.

EdCamp = Free Personalized Professional Development (co-presented with Tammy Parks – @tparks)

Create Multimedia eBooks in a 1 iPad Classroom

Practical Lessons for Elementary STEM Integration (co-presented with Amy Loeffelholz – @AmyLoeffelholz)

Playdate OKC October 2014 by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  Wesley Fryer 



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