Please join me tomorrow (Saturday, October 11, 2014) at 9:00am Pacific / 10:00am Mountain / 11:00am Central / 12:00pm Eastern for a FREE 60 minute webinar on digital storytelling on Classroom 2.0 LIVE! This will be an “open mic” session, which means I’ll be facilitating a discussion and participants will be sharing different ideas, resources, and suggestions. This is very similar in format to an EdCamp conversation-focused session. Complete details about how to join (including the Blackboard Collaborate link) are available on
These are some of the questions I’m hoping we discuss:
What are your favorite digital storytelling examples and/or projects? (share links if possible!)
What iPad videography apps for digital storytelling do you like and recommend?
What audio-only digital storytelling tools do you like and recommend?
What are the pros and cons of different websites for sharing digital stories online?
What tools, apps, and techniques do you use for storyboarding?
What web-based digital storytelling tools do you like and recommend?
What green-screen digital storytelling apps & resources do you like and recommend?
What advice do you have for teachers wanting to do digital storytelling projects with students in the classroom?
What tips do you have for oral history projects using digital storytelling?
Many of the apps and resources I recommend for digital storytelling are included in this list.