Update 12/29/2014: Ricky passed away this weekend. This fundraiser is still going forward to support the family.
If you live in or near Norman, Oklahoma, help the family of Ricky Wyatt with their overwhelming medical expenses following his diagnosis of ALS in March 2012 by eating lunch or dinner at S&B Burger at 102 Main on Tuesday, December 30th. S&B will donate 10% of the proceeds from your meal to Ricky’s family medical expenses. I learned about this need and opportunity today thanks to some tweets from Barbara Madden. This Facebook post gives more details.
In case that Facebook post isn't viewable for you, here's the text:
Eat delicious hamburgers at S&B's Burger Joint & help RICKY. Norman resident, Ricky Wyatt, Served Our Country for Decades & Now Needs Our Help! Ricky served his country in the Air Force faithfully for his entire career. One year after retiring, he was diagnosed with ALS and is now totally incapacitated, to the point that he can only communicate by using his eyes. His family has stripped out their savings to pay for in-house care and is in desperate need of financial help. On this Tuesday, 12/30, S&B's will donate 10% of that day's sales to the Wyatt family to help pay for in-home care, which is not covered by our Veterans Administration. Please have lunch or dinner at S&B's in Norman across from Benvenuti's at 102 West Main Street. Let's show Ricky and Barbara Wyatt how much Norman cares.The following 5.5 minute video, "Ricky Wyatt's Testimony: Life With Lou Gehrig's Disease, ALS," was shared with his church family in March 2013 during Easter Services at Wildwood Community Church in Norman, Oklahoma. Ricky's encouragement for us to leave each day and take NOTHING for granted is so important. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzaSR_DcyZw Our family is going to make the trip down to Norman to S&B on Tuesday. I hope you can as well. Please retweet / email / share this information with others you know who might also be able to go and help out. Follow the Ricky Wyatt Fund Facebook page for further updates and to learn about other ways you can help the Wyatt family.
One response to “Help Ricky Wyatt’s Family on Tues Dec 30th: Eat at S&B Burger in Norman, OK”
Thank you for taking the time to share!