Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Amazing Animated Space Films: Wanderers and New Horizons

Videos about space have been some of my favorite things to share with 4th and 5th grade STEM students the past two years. Yesterday I added several new space video links to my STEM curriculum “Curiosity Links” page, which my friend Bill Casebeer shared with me this weekend. The first is a short film (just under 4 minutes long) called “Wanderers,” created by Swedish animator and digital artist, Erik Wernquist. (@erikwernquist) The film is narrated by Carl Sagan, and is a compelling and inspirational visual projection into the future of human exploration as well as colonization into space. It was published 8 months ago.

The second short video (3 minutes long) is titled “New Horizons,” and Erik created it on behalf of the National Space Society (@nss) to build awareness of the upcoming “New Horizons” NASA mission to Pluto. This is a VERY compelling video, and worth sharing with your students!

The video “Pluto in a Minute” from the official NASA New Horizons YouTube channel explains why scientists believe Pluto is red. NASA is posting short videos to this channel every day, providing a great way to stay up to date on the mission and to learn more about it. Also be sure to check out the website for updates!

Imagining the Pluto system by NASAblueshift, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  NASAblueshift 



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4 responses to “Amazing Animated Space Films: Wanderers and New Horizons”

  1. Brittany Slay Avatar
    Brittany Slay

    I think these videos are great! I think space is very interesting as well, and there are a lot of fun projects to do with students about space. I will definitely keep these videos in mind when I have students of my own some day.

  2. Krystal Taylor Avatar
    Krystal Taylor

    Thank you for sharing the videos! As a future educator, they will be very useful to me!

  3. Robert Weatherford Avatar
    Robert Weatherford

    Very cool videos! I love watching educational space videos and look forward to showing them in my classroom.

  4. jackjones Avatar

    Nice videos i found these videos very interesting for students those who want to learn creatively.