This podcast features an interview with 3rd and 4th grade teacher Shelly Fryer on January 29, 2016, in Oklahoma City. Shelly teaches in a 1:1 iPad classroom at Positive Tomorrows, a special school for homeless children which also serves their families in multiple ways. Shelly has been using blogging websites with her students for three years, to teach students about digital citizenship through interactive writing. The day of this interview was her current students’ first day to experience blogging on an updated KidBlog website, however, and Shelly not only focused on writing with students but also on images and the digital citizenship conversations which relate to these activities online. Shelly’s students have been doing a lot of “inside sharing” using the SeeSaw iPad app and website this year, and while she has shared some of the students’ posts with a wider audience using Twitter, this was the first focused day of learning when students discussed and prepared for “outside sharing.” Check out the podcast shownotes for links to referenced apps and websites in this interview, along with links to others we gave shout-outs to. Interactive writing can be so powerful, as well as constructively exciting for student learning inside and outside the classroom! Please click on Shelly’s classroom KidBlog website on and leave some comments for her students. Also please let us know you listened to this podcast by sharing a reply on Twitter to @sfryer and/or @wfryer or by leaving a comment on the blog post you’ll find on
- Shelly Fryer’s classroom blog on KidBlog (please leave some positive comments for her student writers!)
- Shelly Fryer’s Classroom Website (home base)
- Follow Shelly Fryer on Twitter: @sfryer
- Shelly Fryer’s Blog:
- Positive Tomorrows in Oklahoma City (@ptokc)
- The Barrel in Oklahoma City (@barrelokc) – Our recording location for this podcast interview!
- Resources about Interactive Writing and Classroom Blogging on
- Squishy Circuits Project Page
- Maker Studio in #Room108
- Digital Writing for Classrooms
- Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Shout outs to podcast listeners John Spencer (@spencerideas), Brad Wilson (@dreambition), Cyndi Danner-Kuhn (@cyndidannerkuhn), Eric Langhorst (@elanghorst), & Joe Dale (@joedale)
- The YOU MATTER Manifesto – Angela Maiers (@AngelaMaiers)
- #comments4kids by William Chamberlain (@wmchamberlain)
- – Archiving the inspirational voice and stories of Bob Sprankle (@bobsprankle) and his #Room208 students
- #Room108 Podcast (Radio Show) by Shelly Fryer & her PTOKC students on Opinion (@opinionpod)
- Inside and Outside Digital Sharing (January 2016)
- Pay It Forward on IMDB (2000)
- Digital Sharing Conference (@digishare)
- The EdTech Situation Room podcast (@edtechSR) with @techsavvyteach and @wfryer
- STEMseeds PD Camp coming to Casady School in Oklahoma City: June 6-8, 2016
- iPad Media Camp coming to Casady School in Oklahoma City: August 10-12, 2016
- Podcast recorded with Ferrite Recording Studio for iPhone
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All past “Moving at the Speed of Creativity” podcast episodes are archived, dating back to August 2005.
2 responses to “Podcast 439: Best Day of Classroom Blogging Ever with Shelly Fryer”
Great podcast, Wesley. You two make an incredible educator duo. I really enjoyed your story, Shelly.
BTW Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi pronounces his name Me-Holly Chick-Sent-Me-High.
I have some great resources about Flow on this posting on my blog, Dr. Z Reflects.
Keep up the great podcasts but next time put it away on Date Night. =-)
Thanks for the pronunciation tips, Leigh! I’ll check out your resources on Flow.
That’s the first time we’ve made a podcast on a date night… not making it a habit… we live busy lives though… not sure that podcast would have been made if we hadn’t done it that night.