Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Best Stylus for iPad Drawing and Sketchnoting

One of our teachers asked for my recommendation of a good iPad stylus to use for drawing and illustration today. Here’s what I shared with her.

I’ve used a number of styluses in the past few years and my favorite is definitely the Jot Pro by Adonit. Make sure you get the iPad version. You can find them for $20 on Amazon.

Sketchnote on Mindfulness by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Sketchnote on Mindfulness” (CC BY 2.0) by  Wesley Fryer 

I’ve used a number of illustration and drawing iPad apps over the past few years. Pro Create ($6) continues to be my favorite. Carol Anne McGuire (@rockourworld) is the person who originally got me to start using Pro Create.

Karen Bosch (@karlyb) an educator who has created an awesome (and free) iTunesU course on digital sketchnoting that you might also check out and share. She has more sketchnote resources on her Google Site.

Sylvia Duckworth is another great educator who is an avid sketchnoter. She is @sylviaduckworth on Twitter. Her Google Presentation, “Sketchnoting for Beginners” is outstanding. Her favorite iPad stylus is the Musemee Notier Prime.

My resources on visual notetaking / sketchnoting are available on

Visual Notetaking by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Visual Notetaking” (CC BY 2.0) by  Wesley Fryer 



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