Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Upload Videos Using the iPhone YouTube App

More teachers today are creating videos and sharing them with students for assignments and to teach different concepts. While it’s possible to upload videos to a school or personal YouTube channel from a laptop computer, it’s also possible to directly upload videos from your iPhone (or Android phone) or iPad.

YouTube for iOS by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
YouTube for iOS” (CC BY 2.0) by Wesley Fryer

This YouTube support article from Google provides step-by-step instructions for how to upload a video to YouTube from an iPhone, Android phone or computer. I created a 6 minute tutorial video this evening showing the steps for doing this from an iPhone using the free YouTube app. In the past I’ve used the app “YouTube Capture” to upload videos from iOS devices to YouTube, but now it’s easiest to just use the YouTube app. Check out the video:

If you find this tutorial video helpful, please let me know by sharing a comment below or reaching out on Twitter to @wfryer. You can also reach out to me on Mastodon. Learn more about why you should join Mastodon as an educator by reading this post from April 5, 2017.



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