Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Pocket Share Jesus (May 2017)

This weekend was the annual MoRanch Men’s Conference near Hunt, Texas, and I prepared an updated version of the workshop, “Pocket Share Jesus,” which I shared last year. Tonight I recorded a 43 minute narrated slideshow and video demo of the session. Here’s the video and my slides. To make this video, I used my iPad to export a PDF version of the Google Slideshow presentation into Explain Everything (Classic Edition) and recorded the main part of the video. For the live iPhone demo, I ran AirServer software on my Mac laptop, mirrored my iPhone to the laptop, and recorded the screencast using Screenflow software. I AirDropped the exported Screenflow video to my iPad, and combined it with the Explain Everything video using iMovie for iPad. I uploaded the final, combined video in 720P format to YouTube using the YouTube iPad app.

The official description of this workshop was:

Come learn how to share your favorite Bible verses with your children and grandchildren, using your phone or iPad. Learn how to share inspiring quotations from a Kindle book you’re reading from Amazon. Practical and hands-on steps! This session is designed specifically for grandfathers who are not tech savvy!

Pocket Share Jesus by @wfryer (May 2017) by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Pocket Share Jesus by @wfryer (May 2017)” (CC BY 2.0) by Wesley Fryer



