This past Wednesday, December 6, 2017, I had an opportunity to participate in a “mini-retreat” with colleagues from Casady School (@casadyschoolokc) at the Innovation Hub at the University of Oklahoma (@ouinnovationhub).This is a group of both faculty and staff, involved in supporting and teaching coding and computer science at different levels at our school. This morning on Saturday, I recorded an almost 10 minute narrated slideshow, reflecting on five things this mini-retreat encouraged me to consider and think about as we strive to find ways to support innovation, creativity, multi-disciplinary learning, and STEM/STEAM learning including coding / computer science at our school in Oklahoma City. I created this narrated slideshow on my iPad using the app Explain Everything (@explainevrythng).
The five primary things I reflected on in this video were:
- The value and importance of exercise and wellness
- “Daily Create” challenges and celebrating a creative culture
- Multi-screen interactive classrooms of the future
- The importance of a centrally located coffee shop for learning
- The power of innovative learning spaces and “team time”
I shared a number of photos and observations during our mini-retreat tours on Wednesday, which included redesigned portions of the library at the University of Oklahoma (@ou_libraries) as well as the OU Innovation Hub. Those are collected in a Storify archive, which is also embedded below. If you have feedback or comments on any of these ideas please reach out to me on Twitter @wfryer or leave a comment below!