Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Protecting Yourself and Your Family Online (March 2020)

This past Thursday evening, on March 26, 2020, I shared a free online webinar titled, “Protecting Yourself and Your Family Online.” A recorded video of this 63 minute presentation is available on YouTube, and linked from the VIDEOS page of The webinar description was:

As we live more of our lives online via Internet-powered websites and apps, unfortunately cybercrime and malicious software programs continue to proliferate. In this 60 minute, interactive webinar, Dr. Wes Fryer will share a variety of tools and strategies to protect yourself and your family online. These will include the use of a password manager, multi-factor authentication, password auditing programs to identify compromised and weak passwords, and more. If you’re doing anything online today, and have any usernames and passwords, you need to follow the ‘best practices’ we’ll highlight in this webinar.

My slides for this presentation are also available.

This presentation included most of the content from a face-to-face presentation I shared for parents and families at Central Middle School in Edmond, Oklahoma, as part of our community service / partnership initiatives by First Presbyterian Church of Edmond. That presentation was titled, “Online Safety 101 for Families.”

I’m also now uploading the audio recordings for many of my workshops and classes to an Anchor podcast channel called, “Class with Doctor Fryer.” You can directly link and listen to this webinar recording on Anchor, or simply ask your smart speaker (Amazon Alexa or Google Home) to “Play the latest episode of Class with Doctor Fryer.” Depending on when you are trying that command, however, you may need to tell your smart speaker to rewind and play an earlier version. As smart speaker capabilities to play podcasts improves, you may be able to ask for this episode by name.

Protecting Yourself and Your Family Onli by Wesley Fryer, on Flickr
Protecting Yourself and Your Family Onli” (CC BY 2.0) by Wesley Fryer

Please take some time to watch / listen to this this recorded webinar and podcast, and share it with others you know. With the Coronavirus / COVID-19 global pandemic forcing millions of people to “shelter at home” and practice “social distancing,” more of us will be living our lives online. In this environment, “security best practices” like those I highlighted in this webinar are more important than ever.

This week’s Thursday evening webinar is titled, “Tips for Becoming a More Connected Educator,” and FREE registration is available via EventBrite. Archived webinars are linked / embedded on the Videos page of, and upcoming webinars are located on

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For more ways to learn and connect with me, see my page, “Next Steps After a Presentation by Wes Fryer.” If you find the ideas in this presentation helpful, please let me know via Twitter (@wfryer) or by using my electronic contact form on



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