Search results for: “NCLB”
Seeking Funding for an Oklahoma School NCLB Left Behind
When “No Child Left Behind” legislation was passed by the U.S. Congress in 2001, ironically it left behind many homeless students in Oklahoma City because of its provisions preventing student tracking and selective school admissions. Oklahoma State Representative Joe Dorman is sponsoring legislation which could change that. Tim Willert‘s article and video in today’s Daily…
NCLB Fulfilling Mission to Portray All Public Schools as Failing
When will our Oklahoma politicians and voters finally recognize the “No Child Left Behind” (NCLB) law is fundamentally flawed and was designed primarily to demonize both public schools and public school teachers as “failures” irrespective of academic results? One of the most telling quotations from today’s NewsOK article, “More Oklahoma schools, districts than ever ‘need…
NCLB High Stakes Testing is Counterproductive and Bad for our Nation
I totally agree with Monte Neill. The choice, however, was never between do nothing or focus on high-stakes testing [to improve educational outcomes for high poverty students.] Better options have always existed. But these have been under-financed, not supported by the most visible and wealthy sectors in society. They also are more complex, not simplistic…
NCLB damages US education by narrowing the curriculum
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) continues to harm the formal educational experiences of millions of students and teachers in the United States. In her recent book, “The Death and Life of the Great American School System,” Diane Ravitch explains why. In her chapter titled, “Hijacked!” on page 29, Ravitch writes: Whereas the authors of A…
NCLB has killed creative teaching and energetic learning about science (at least before state testing)
Carol Engelmann, in a video interview for the Imagine It! Project, correctly observes our politically-inspired educational culture of high stakes accountability (NCLB) has severely hurt the cause of creative teaching, driven passionate teachers away from the profession, and DISCOURAGED rather than encouraged excitement in many K-12 science classrooms. video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsfree video player Carol…
NCLB was designed to define public schools as failures
This weekend I had an opportunity to read the first half of Diane Ravitch’s excellent new book, “The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education.” I will be writing at much greater length in upcoming weeks about the book, the research it presents, and the implications…
Podcast interviews with Oklahoma elected officials on NCLB
I recently discovered the audio podcasting page of the Professional Oklahoma Educators organization, which includes a variety of interviews with Oklahoma elected officials focusing on education policy and specifically NCLB. Strictly speaking I think these are simply posted audio files and not a podcast, since a web feed does not appear to be available permitting…
ReadingFirst, NCLB, School Accountability, and our Educational Future
Thanks to Doug Noon for bringing Susan Harman and Deborah Meier’s new article series “How to Resist the Growing Threat to U.S. Education” to my attention this evening. As I listened to Scott Elias and Melinda Miller’s “Testing 1-2-3” Practical Principals’ podcast from May 2nd on my commute to and from work today I kept…
A contrary view of education and NCLB
Warning: Political rant about education ahead! Education was a major theme of the “State of the Union Address” shared by the current U.S President this past Monday night. Unfortunately, many of the assertions made during the speech are contradicted by the experiences and observations I’ve made working in our midwest schools during the past 13…
NCLB is a symptom and not a root problem
Gary Stager always challenges me with my thinking whenever I have an opportunity to visit with him or read his work. This evening prior to the kick-off panel discussion for the Learning 2.0 conference in Shanghai, Gary shared the idea that NCLB is really a symptom of bigger problems we have in education, rather than…