Category: ccss
Speaking Out Against Common Core High Stakes Testing & Corporate Driven Education Reform
I posted the following comments and links on the April 1st article, “Conspiracy theories about Common Core should be ignored.” I agree the idea that the Common Core movement is a “UN black helicopter / world government agenda” is silly. That argument is unfortunately a “straw man” for issues and problems with Common Core…
Creating Innovators in a Common Core World
These are my notes from Sue Pearce’s presentation, “Creating Innovators in a Common Core World,” at the Ridiculous Innovations Conference for Kansas City Public Schools on May 29, 2012. Sue is the secondary curriculum coordinator for KCPS. MY THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. Discuss with a shoulder partner: What did Dr. Martin Luther…
Engaging Students with Critical Thinking Strategies
These are my notes from a professional development workshop for school principals, “Engaging Students with Critical Thinking Strategies,” shared by Diana Jones and Cindy Koss in Deer Creek Public Schools in Oklahoma on March 28, 2012. MY THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. This is a presentation providing an overview of chapter 1 of…
Unwrapping Common Core State Standards and Unit Planning (Deer Creek Public Schools)
These are my notes from today’s professional development day with Deer Creek Public Schools (in Oklahoma) focused on understanding the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), learning to ‘unwrap’ the CCSS, creating a CCSS unit based on an existing ELA or math unit, and learning about resources for teachers/students to share for teaching/learning. This day was…
Standards Mapping the Common Core to Everyday Instruction and Teaching
These are my notes from the Gary Sacket’s presentation, “Standards Mapping the Common Core to Everyday Instruction and Teaching” at the February 7, 2012 Oklahoma Technology Association / Encycl-Media Conference. He is with the Gary Sacket Aurora Learning Community Association (ALCA). MY THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. The official session description was: Discover…