Category: christian

  • Decking a house – Sharing with a VoiceThread and a JayCut video

    I had a chance today to help build a Habitat for Humanity house in my city, Edmond, Oklahoma, for one of the families in our community. With temperatures in the afternoon reaching over 100 degrees, this was certainly an appreciation moment for my “normal” work routine in an air conditioned building! I posted about sixty…

  • 5th grade Sunday School technology integration

    In response to Kent Chesnut’s request for more information about how I’m integrating technology in lessons with our 5th grade Sunday School students at church this year, I recorded an hour-long podcast in the car and posted it to Eyes Right this evening.

  • Update on Alana Warfel and Hollow band

    A month ago I wrote about Alana Warfel and her Christian rock band “Hollow” in the blog post “Surprise, your preschool teacher is a rock star!” In that post I mentioned her band was looking forward to the GMA Music in the Rockies conference both for the learning experiences it would offer them as a…

  • Prepare now for the 10,000+ channel future

    I had some very interesting conversations with folks on the SuperShuttle ride from the airport to the hotel this afternoon/evening in Anaheim. The gentleman sitting next to me was a pastor from Louisiana, originally from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. When I asked him where in Vietnam he was from, he actually identified his city…

  • Reflecting on helping kids develop their own ethical filters

    I’ve posted a new podcast for “Digital Dialog” that I created this past week with my wife, Shelly. Our conversation focuses on chapter 1 of the 2007 book “Children’s Ministry in the 21st Century” by Craig Jutila, Jim Wideman, and Pat Verbal. Link to our “Digital Dialog” Ning social network on I had previously…

  • Digital Dialog: Join the conversation!

    We had the third session of a new parenting class my wife and I are teaching on Wednesday nights today, and things went really well. I just posted the recorded session as a podcast (it’s an hour long) and updated the wiki links for the resources we discussed. I listened to Bob Sprankle, Cheryl Oakes…

  • Google Tools and Digital Dialog

    I’ve created two new wiki resources for conference presentations and workshops I’ll be teaching in the weeks ahead. These are just draft versions, so if you have any links or related resources to suggest I’d love to hear about them! Please leave them as comments here. The first is a presentation I’ll share at the…

  • Thoughts on digital discipline

    A historic first: My wife Shelly participated in her first-ever podcast this evening, which I have published on Eyes Right as “Podcast05: Reflections on our 40 Day Evening Technology Use Fast and Digital Discipline.” Technorati Tags: christianity, marriage, fasting, relationships

  • Gifts from Christopher Paolini

    WARNING: SOME MILD PLOT SPOILERS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS POST. Last night I finished reading “Eldest” by Christopher Paolini, the second book in his “Inheritance” trilogy that follows the book “Eragon “ which was released as a major motion picture last month. These are a few reflections on the book and the book series to…

  • Eragon and WikiPedia extended learning

    SPOILER WARNING: If you haven’t read Eragon or seen the movie, beware that in this blog post I’m including details that reveal plot elements of both. It’s almost Christmas, but I’ve already received what may be the most precious gift I’ll receive from any of my family members this year. This morning when I woke…