Search results for: “NCLB”

  • Understanding and OPPOSING Misdirected Educational Reform Efforts

    Diane Ravitch‘s article today, “The reform movement is already failing,” is one of the best I’ve read highlighting both the misdirected agenda and LACK of research support for the GW Bush / Obama / Bill Gates / Jeb Bush / “Waiting for Superman” crowd of educational reformers. Ravitch writes: We are in the midst of…

  • High Stakes Testing Damages Student Writing Skills

    Research Papers vs Blogs: Defending “Antiquated” Teaching from 21st Century Education Reform This is a great, reflective post from a university professor on how high stakes testing continues to damage students, our educational systems, and student capacities to effectively write at “college level.” The last two paragraphs summarize: First, college professors like myself should realize…

  • The Pivot to Personal Digital Learning by Tom Vander Ark #innov8

    These are my notes from Tom Vander Ark‘s keynote presentation at the Oklahoma State Department of Education Innovations 2011 Conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on July 8, 2011. MY THOUGHTS AND COMMENTS ARE IN ALL CAPS. Tom’s blog is Tom started by joking he’s here with a contingent from Seattle looking for something they…

  • Demonizing Oklahoma Public School Teachers While Praising Them?

    It’s National Teacher Appreciation week. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan’s “Open Letter to America’s Teachers” includes not only praise for our nation’s educators, but the first hint I’ve read to date that he recognizes (and maybe even wants to address) some of the fundamental flaws in NCLB and our overall, dominant paradigm of high…

  • High Stakes Testing Must End in the USA

    Today’s headline in USA Today, “For teachers, many ways and reasons to cheat on tests,” affirms many points made by Dr. David Berliner in April 2006 at Texas Tech University in his presentation, “Troubles for the NCLB Act: It may not be improving achievement and it corrupts the profession.” This article, like Dr. Berliner’s presentation…

  • Oklahoma Political Themes: Fire Rural School Superintendents and Overpaid State Physicians

    Studio 46 is a weekly podcast in Edmond, Oklahoma, moderated by Brian Bush of Oklahoma Christian University and published by The Edmond Sun newspaper. In the podcast’s most recent episode, on January 7, 2011, Brian hosted Kenny Goza. Goza was one of five Republican candidates vying for the vacated Oklahoma state senate seat of newly…

  • No alternative to the RTTT / Duncan Education Reform Plan Offered by Fallin

    According to the December 4th City Sentinel article, “Fallin supports income tax cuts, spending reductions, ‘Oklahoma Spirit’,” recent governor-elect Mary Fallin has drank deeply from the Arne Duncan and Bill Gates sponsored educational reform kool aide. This continuation of NCLB as RTTT focuses on charter schools, high stakes testing, and blaming teacher unions for perceived…

  • New Oklahoma Leaders Mistakenly Think Testing Focus Key to Educational Improvement

    According to a news article in today’s Daily Oklahoman, “new Oklahoma Governor-elect Mary Fallin has appointed Phyllis Hudecki [to] serve as Oklahoma’s secretary of education.” Fallin will be sworn in as the first female governor in Oklahoma history on January 10th. Hudecki’s title may be a little confusing to state outsiders, since she will not…

  • From Imagination to Innovation: Creativity World Forum #cwf2010

    These are my notes from the opening convergence session at the 2010 Creativity World Forum titled, “From Imagination to Innovation.” Panelists include Scott Noppe-Brandon, Matt Brown, and David Edwards. MY THOUGHTS AND REFLECTIONS ARE IN ALL CAPS. WHAT A GREAT CONVERSATION THIS WAS! Bio of Scott Noppe-Brandon, executive director of Lincoln Center Institute: Scott is…

  • Waiting For Superman: A Good Film to Provoke Conversations We Need

    Since I was already in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex to teach my “Computers in Classroom” course at UNT today and had a free evening, I drove about 45 minutes to a wonderful independent movie theater in Plano, Texas, and watched the movie, “Waiting for Superman.” I’ve read quite a few articles and blog posts in…