Tag: cellular
Don’t Use an AT&T Phone Overseas Without an International Calling Plan
I’ve been in Brazil for a few days this week leading a 2 day STEM Institute for K-12 teachers at Graded School in Sao Paulo. From my past experiences traveling overseas to China, I know it can be a VERY costly mistake to simply use your cell phone in another country if you don’t arrange…
Laptops and iPhones Can Eat Cellular LTE Data FAST
The past two days I’ve been in Tahlequah and Stilwell, Oklahoma, sharing some presentations and providing some coaching/mentoring for teachers at Maryetta School on behalf of Storychasers. I was delighted to find LTE cellular data service through T-Mobile was available in Tahlequah at my hotel. This meant my laptop could access the Internet MUCH faster tethered to my…