Tag: email

  • Student Email Overload and GMail Filters

    Teaching during the COVID-19 global pandemic can be crazy! About a month ago ago I boldly announced that I was going to start blogging every day again… and I promptly fell right off that wagon. Amidst lesson prep and teaching, getting behind on my grading, and trying to practice good wellness and self-care… blogging has…

  • Advice for Responding to and Protecting Against Phishing Email Attacks

    This month we have seen an uptick in phishing attacks against our faculty and staff at school. Here is a copy of some suggestions for responding to and protecting against email phishing attacks which I shared this evening via email with our team. General guidelines for responding to email phishing attacks are: If you are…

  • Email Mail Merge Custom PDF Certificates with autoCrat for Google

    Saturday was our fourth EdCampOKC conference in Oklahoma City and it was great! This year to provide professional development certificates to attendees afterward, our organizer team got fancy and used the free Google Add-On autoCrat. “autoCrat for Google Sheets” (CC BY 2.0) by  Wesley Fryer  autoCrat is a powerful, customizable script for Google Forms and Google Sheets which can…