Tag: image

  • Remove Background in Adobe Express

    Remove Background in Adobe Express

    I LOVE creating and sharing InfoPics. My favorite iOS app for creating InfoPIcs has (for years now) been Adobe Express for iOS. The app has updated in many ways, but it still retains its core features and UI for quickly adding readable, contrasting text to an image. This morning as I created a “Bible Verse…

  • Create Image Collages with Google Drawings

    Creating collages of images is a basic digital literacy skill, and I have a new browser-based favorite tool for this media product: Google Drawings! In this post, I’ll share a few recent photo collages I’ve created to use as header images for Twitter profiles, YouTube channels, and WordPress websites. I’ll also describe the workflow I’m using…

  • Using Google Reverse Image Search to Create a (late) Bibliography

    Three months ago our youngest daughter, sixth grader Rachel, worked with a classmate to create a two minute video about “The Oregon Trail” for her social studies class and the National History Day (NHD) contest. They shot the video on her iPhone 5 and she edited it in iMovie for iPhone. I encouraged her to…