Tag: policy
Schools Blocking YouTube and Digital Citizenship
Content filtering in schools has always been contentious since students and teachers first gained access to the World Wide Web and the Internet in the 1990s. Today in 2019, however, many people might be surprised that “draconian content filtering policies” (at least in the opinion of this author) are still in place in some schools.…
Podcast463: Reflections on The Florida Project Movie
Welcome to Episode 463 of the Moving at the Speed of Creativity podcast, a show by Dr. Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) focusing on digital creativity, media literacy, digital literacy, digital citizenship, instructional technology integration and engaged learning both inside and outside the classroom. This episode features an interview with Shelly Fryer (@sfryer) about the 2017 movie,…
Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin Misunderstands Testing and School Quality
On May 4, 2017, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin (@GovMaryFallin) was interviewed by NewsOK.com capitol reporter Dale Denwalt (@denwalt) about the current Oklahoma budget crisis. The full interview is 18.5 minutes long. Near the end of the interview, Dale asked Governor Fallin about her reasons for vetoing a bill which would have eliminated the U.S. history…
Cautiously Optimistic About Iran and United States Relations
I’m cautiously optimistic about Iranian and United States relations in the wake of the July 14th announcement by President Obama of the Iranian Nuclear deal and his hour long press conference yesterday focusing primarily on that accord. We live in the day of 140 character information bites, but I encourage you to fully watch both these…
Strong Reactions to Today’s Note on Makeup Work
Update 4/16/2015: I emailed Rachel’s teacher and she decided to change her policy on late work and redone assignments. She is going to accept late work with a penalty and redone assignments within a reasonable time limit. The following tweet (which I’ve archived as an image on Flickr using the free Chrome extension “Awesome Screenshot”)…
In Oklahoma Education, We Have to Stop Pretending
Scott McLeod (@mcleod) has thrown down the gauntlet: What are five things we need to stop pretending about in education? We have to stop pretending… http://t.co/jhU5rnYkXl cc @gcouros @smartinez @wfryer @coolcatteacher @web20classroom #edchat #edtech #cpchat — Scott McLeod (@mcleod) April 13, 2015 Here’s my list. When it comes to education, we have to stop pretending… We…
#WhatIf My Ideas on School Reform Become Reality?
Thanks to Valerie Strauss’ post today on the #whatif Twitter meme responses to Arne Duncan, I realized something surprising and was encouraged to tweet some of the ideas for CONSTRUCTIVE education/school reform that have been marinating in my mind for many months. by stevegarfield First of all, when viewing the lively #whatif twitter stream, I saw…