Tag: sites

  • Considering Audience and Purpose for Classroom Websites

    Some of the elementary teachers at my school recently asked me to help them get started with classroom websites. I shared a Google Slide presentation with them on the topic, “Considering Audience and Purpose for Classroom Websites,” and discussed the specific pros and cons of using Seesaw (a digital portfolio platform and learning journal), Google…

  • Custom Domain Mapping for a Classroom Google Site

    Today I worked with our wonderful lower school (elementary) art teacher, and started helping her create a classroom website using Google Sites. A classroom website, built on a wiki-based platform like Google Sites which permits browser-based page editing and page creation, can become a “digital home base” for students, parents, and other teachers to access…

  • Online Student Portfolios: What Tools Are Best?

    I received the following question via email recently, and am posting it here along with my thoughts. I’ve been wanting to write and share about ePortfolios for several weeks, and this question has given me a good opportunity to do so. Please chime in with other suggestions and ideas! I wonder if Moodle is a…