Tag: socialmedia
Multi-dimensional Digital Identity
This is a comment and reflection I shared on this blog post by Allysia Doratti, one of Dean Shareski‘s EC&I 832 graduate students in fall 2024: Mirror, Mirror, On My Feed: Exploring Identity in a Digital World. Hi Allysia- Thanks so much for this thoughtful post and especially for the reflections on digital identity and…
Facebook Friend Safety Tips
I’m on Facebook frequently, and I’ve noticed it’s become a REAL MESS because of poor account security and rampant cybercrime. I have multiple relatives and friends now who have lost control over their Facebook accounts. Sometimes these individuals have created another Facebook account, creating confusion about “what is the real account?” Some of these people…
Social Media Text Prepper
It is now possible to use generative AI / artificial intelligence platforms, like ChatGPT 4, to create simple to relatively complex web applications without knowing the precise syntax of programming languages. By formulating detailed prompts for the AI chatbot, it is possible to create code in various languages (including javascript and HTML) which the user…
Meet Me on Mastodon (My “Dear John Letter” to Twitter)
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one group of digital communicators to discontinue use of the secure user IDs and passwords which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the the right and responsibility to affiliate with others who are kind and strive…
Disruptive Decentralization in Social Media and AI
Centralization and decentralization both have their pros and cons. In this post, I want to explore the opportunities and challenges posed by these two paradigms in two contemporary technological contexts: Social media and Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the realm of social media, Twitter has become a hotbed of controversy for numerous reasons, primarily due to…
The Council of Constance and Modern Web
I’m re-reading for the 3rd or 4th time Toby Lester’s (@tobylester4) magnificent book, “The Fourth Part of the World: The Race to the Ends of the Earth, and the Epic Story of the Map That Gave America Its Name.” I just finished chapter 9 last night, which (among other things) discusses the very important “Council…
The Social Dilemma Documentary and YOUR Social Media Privacy Settings
If you have not yet watched the new Netflix documentary, “The Social Dilemma,” stop reading this post now and immediately go watch it. Or at least commit to watching it as soon as you have a spare 94 minutes. There’s a good reason it’s poised to be the first documentary to ever be the “#1…
Podcast471: Let’s Talk About Social Identity and FOMO
This podcast is a recording of a digital citizenship presentation for high school students shared by Dr. Wesley Fryer at Casady School in Oklahoma City on February 27, 2020. The goal of this talk was to encourage students to think more deeply and critically about their own identities, how those identities are shaped, and specifically…
Twitter Documentation of Classroom Folio Observations
This year faculty at our school have utilized Folio Collaborative (@foliocollab), an outstanding framework encouraging teacher peer-coaching and mentorship relationships among educational professionals. I’ve had the opportunity to serve as a “Folio coach” for three of our faculty, and today I worked on website documentation of the classroom visits and observations I completed last fall…
Why You Should NOT Quit Facebook or Twitter
Powerful tools can be used, by definition, in BIG ways. “With great power comes great responsibility.” Social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, are globe spanning technological marvels. Unfortunately, these platforms have been used maliciously and abusively in recent years to radicalize politics, fuel genocide, and fracture cultural bonds in communities worldwide. At the same…