Tag: voice

  • Presentation Tips and Podcast Conference Learning

    Yesterday in Oklahoma City, Storychasers hosted a 1 day conference on podcasting attended by educators and other people interested in podcasting from Oklahoma City as well as north Texas. I shared the opening keynote titled, “Who Tells Your Story,” along with two breakout session workshops on “Quick Edit Podcasting” using the Anchor mobile app, and…

  • Creating Multimedia eBooks (July 2014)

    These are my slides, shared as a Google Presentation, for Tuesday’s EdTechTeacher 2014 Summit session, “Creating Multimedia eBooks.” While I’ve presented much of this content previously in different conference, workshop, and other PD venues, this is a “new remix” of these ideas in a longer slide deck. Additional links are available on the Google Site…

  • Understanding the value of social media use for literacy development

    Students in my “Technology 4 Teachers” class watched and reflected on the EduTopia Digital Generation Youth Profile video for Cameron last week. I wrote the following as a comment on one of my student’s blogs:  My favorite quotation from your post was, “If more students like Cameron could find a way to use their technology as…