Tag: webdesign

  • Packet Defender 1.0

    Packet Defender 1.0

    Today was the first day of our spring semester, and I’m teaching middle school web design again. As part of our introductory class, we watched the video, “The Internet: IP Addresses & DNS” from Code.org and then played a Kahoot I made with AI about it, using the video transcript. As we learn to create…

  • ALT Text for Web Accessibility

    ALT Text for Web Accessibility

    In the semester web design course I teach for middle school students, I share a series of videos and activities in a lesson series on web accessibility. I first became aware of the importance of web accessibility when I served as the first “Director of Distance Learning” for the College of Education at Texas Tech…

  • Podcast468: Reflections on Blended Learning Techniques with Google Sites, Slides and Social Media

    Welcome to Episode 468 of the Moving at the Speed of Creativity podcast, a show by Dr. Wesley Fryer (@wfryer) focusing on digital creativity, media literacy, digital literacy, digital citizenship, instructional technology integration and engaged learning both inside and outside the classroom. This episode includes a reflection by Wes about some of the techniques he…

  • Lessons Learned with Website eBook eCommerce Continue (August 2018)

    About 4 years ago, inspired by a local writer’s conference, I created a WordPress-powered website to independently sell digital copies of my books as well as offer a subscription-based video library of instructional how-to videos. I haven’t given that project much attention or “care and feeding” in awhile, since I transitioned to a new job…

  • WordPress OKC Meetup Tips (August 2015)

    Tonight was our monthly Oklahoma City WordPress Meetup, and although I was almost an hour late (due to family carpooling duties) I still learned about a variety of new WordPress plugins I hadn’t previously encountered. Stephen Bell, the co-founder of the OKC-based web design company Steed Interactive, shared the second presentation of the evening which…

  • Embed Twitter Widget in Dot Net Nuke (DNN) Website

    Here’s my geekiest post in awhile: I figured out how to embed a Twitter widget in a Dot Net Nuke (DNN) website. The company my school district pays to host our official website uses DNN as our content management system, and it can be a little tricky to embed certain kinds of HTML code on pages. I…