Tag: wordpress

  • Podcasting Options with WordPress

    Next Monday night, on July 27th at 7 pm, I’m going to share a short presentation at the monthly OKC area WordPress User’s Group meeting. This is a free meetup at Oklahoma Christian University the last Monday of each month. The title of my presentation will be, “Podcasting Options with WordPress.” In addition to discussing…

  • WordPress OKC Meetup Notes: March 30, 2015

    These are my notes from the Oklahoma City WordPress Meetup on March 30, 2015. I’m so excited to be able to attend this month because our monthly session meeting was last Monday night rather than tonight! Eric Johnson (@aerychj) from the Automattic Mobile Team (@automattic) is one of our presenters tonight! He’s addressing the topic, “Getting Mobile!” MY THOUGHTS…

  • Optimize Your Website by Enabling GZIP Compression

    Put your geek hat on for this post. My challenges continue with my web hosting account and my need to optimize it for a large number of connections / lots of traffic so it does not crash when I share a new post via social media like Twitter or Google+. My most recent website/WordPress discovery…

  • Comparing Differences in Website Statistics Between CloudFlare and Google Analytics

    I’m continuing to work with my web host (Site5) to figure out why my VPS (virtual private server) which hosts all my WordPress websites has been crashing pretty regularly. This has been happening the past week with unfortunate frequency when I tweet-out a link to a new blog post. I’ve had different issues with web server…

  • A Day of WordPress Website Updates

    I know it’s vacation time when I can spend almost an entire day on the couch updating WordPress websites. That may not sound like a fun way to spend break time from teaching at school, but it does to me! Here are some of the updates I made today to some of my websites, several of which were LONG overdue.    by  Nikolay…

  • Comparing WordPress Page Caching Options

    If you have a WordPress site that attracts a lot of visitors, it’s critical to install and use a caching plugin. If you don’t and your server has a “spike” of lots of visitors in a short amount of time (a situation social media websites like Twitter can definitely create) you risk your server going down…

  • Add Kindle MOBI eBook to WordPress Online Store

    The past few evenings I’ve been adding all my eBooks (9 at this point) to a new online store I’ve created on PlayingWithMedia.com, using WordPress and iThemes Exchange. The reason my total number of eBooks jumped so fast was my decision last month to start offering individual chapters of “Mapping Media” for sale as $2.99…

  • Utility to Find and Replace Broken WordPress Links

    In this post I’ll share some lessons learned finding and replacing a large number of broken links (over 13,000) in the mySQL database of a WordPress installation. After trying several different methods I finally found the free PHP utility “Search Replace Database by interconnectit,” which worked beautifully. Hopefully you won’t ever need this information, but if…

  • Change the Tagline of Your WordPress.com Website

    This weekend I’ve seen two different WordPress.com sites with the default tagline, “Just another WordPress.com weblog.” This is the default tagline which WordPress.com uses for every new site when it’s created. The tagline of your WordPress.com site is displayed by most WordPress themes in the header section of your blog. It’s like a byline. It’s…

  • Meet MacBookMaestro.com – A Free Digital Badge Powered Learning Site

    This past week I shared three workshops for teachers in Yukon Public Schools on “MacBook Basics” and intermediate Mac OS X skills. All 500+ K-12 teachers in the district received new MacBook Air laptops last year, but most didn’t have many opportunities to learn new tips and tricks in Mac OS X. To provide more…