Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Brainstorming Conference & PD Session Topics for 2011-2012

Amidst final edits of my “Playing with Media” eBook today, I’ve been polishing some ideas for proposed conference session topics and professional development workshops I’d like to share in the upcoming 2011-2012 academic year as a digital learning consultant. “Playing with Media” will definitely shape many of the sessions I hope to share. As you can likely tell right away looking at my presentation topics from 2009 to the present and in prior years linked on my vitae and older PBworks site, I tend to have lots of ideas for conference presentations. It’s a good thing to have the “Playing with Media” eBook and project as a lens to focus my consulting and educational advocacy work. Here are the topics and session descriptions I’ve come up with so far. These are breakout session and workshop topics rather than keynotes. I hope to integrate these into a major graphic design facelift of my blog, wiki, and personal website in the next few months. If you have ideas and feedback on any of these, I’d love to hear your thoughts! For sessions I’ve shared previously, I’ve included hyperlinks to referenced resources.

Playing With Media (book cover by Rachel Fryer)

Playing with Media: Digital Text

Every classroom needs a blog for interactive writing and an information portal (wiki) to use as a ‘home base’ for learning. Learners need to create and share digital texts outside password protected learning management systems. Open web publishing enables us to craft our digital footprints (control what others see when they Google us) and supports the growth of open educational resources worldwide. Quicksharing sites like Posterous support moderated, interactive, rich media sharing using email attachments. This session complements and extends information shared in the “Digital Text” chapter of the eBook “Playing with Media: simple ideas for powerful sharing” by Wesley Fryer.

Playing with Media: Creating eBooks with Links, Images and Videos

Electronic books can offer enriched learning experiences via links, images, and videos. Students and teachers should not only use eBooks today, they should also create them. In this session we will explore different options for creating and sharing eBooks. We’ll also compare different eBook formats highlighting their relative benefits and drawbacks. Free software for editing and compressing images and videos will also be demonstrated.

Playing with Media: Backchannels

A “backchannel” is an online space used for discussion and commentary by members of an audience or class during a lecture or other presentation. Backchannels can facilitate and amplify learning in both online and face-to-face settings. In this session we’ll use and compare a variety of backchannel options to explore effective uses within blended learning and online classrooms.

Playing with Media: Images

Learn to better leverage the power of visual media in this session exploring copyright-friendly websites for obtaining images to use in presentations and class projects. Learn how the Pecha Kucha presentation format (20 slides x 20 seconds each) can be used as a student project model to develop effective oral communication and presentation skills alongside content area knowledge. We’ll also explore websites and mobile applications supporting the creation of narrated image slideshows.

Playing with Media: No-Edit Audio Recording

Got a phone? A computer with a microphone? Either way, you’re ready to start using audio recordings for student learning and assessment in creative ways! Audio recording is one of the most powerful and under-utilized multimedia communication modalities in our classrooms today. In this session we’ll explore FREE options for “no edit audio recording” including cloud-based services, phonecasting sites, and portable, digital audio recorders. In addition to comparing the capabilities and benefits of different recording options we’ll view and discuss examples of student projects using recorded audio.

Playing with Media: Quick-Edit Videography

The complexity of a technology-based task can be directly measured by the number of “clicks” it takes to perform. In this session we’ll explore how “quick-edit videography” mobile apps, tools, and strategies support “the ethic of minimal clicks” and permit MANY more students and teachers to create videos for class assignments.

Playing with Media: Mobile Blogging

If you want your students to write better, they need to write more. Prolific digital writers have higher test scores on writing assessments for a simple reason: They practice more. In this session we’ll explore a variety of mobile blogging tools which enable students to post and share content “on the go” using different devices including cell phones and smartphones.

Bridges to Musical and Artistic Creativity

Technology often serves as an amplifier, but can also be a bridge. In this session we’ll explore a variety of digital tools, apps, websites, and strategies which empower learners to express themselves creatively using music and art. FREE software tools will be highlighted as well as some commercial options. Get inspired to unleash your own creativity and invite your students to develop their senses of digital agency with muscial and artistic expression.

iOS Apps for Productivity & Fun (iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch)
Bring your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to this hands-on, interactive session as together we explore some of the best applications for productivity as well as fun available for Apple’s mobile devices! Free as well as commercial apps will be demonstrated including applications for education, photo sharing, news, social networking, digital storytelling, musical expression, art, audio recording, games, and more! If you have an iOS device (iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch) you’ll learn about a wealth of useful as well as engaging applications in this dynamic presentation.

Support STEM Skills with Scratch

How are you supporting the development of problem solving skills, creativity, and computational thinking skills in your school today? Scratch software ( is free software from MIT which can be used by students and teachers to create animations, games, simulations, music, art, stories, and more. In this session we’ll explore Scratch software, watch and learn from some exemplary student projects, and discuss how you can get started using Scratch with students today.

The Open Web Matters / Sharing Curriculum Online
Overthrow the Publishing Oligarchs: Support OER
OER (Open Educational Resources) and our Moral Obligation to Share

David Wiley and Dean Shareski are right: Teaching IS sharing. As 21st century educators, we and the institutions we serve have obligations to share digital content and curriculum on the open web. In this session we’ll explore a wealth of Open Educational Resources (OER) available online. In addition, we’ll explore how we can openly license (through Creative Commons) our digital curriculum to benefit our own students as well as learners around the globe. We’ll specifically explore how projects like, and Flexbooks by are revolutionizing curriculum with digital content.

These are sessions I’d like to offer, but haven’t new drafted session descriptions yet.

Copyright 101 for Educators
Internet Safety for Students
Every Place Has a Story
Wordpress Tricks and Tips
Tips and Tools for Digital Storytellers
The Humanizing Power of Story
Confessions of a Smartphone Photography Junkie
Digital Show and Tell / Showcasing Digital Work Online
Digital Magic Tricks (more recently outlined on
Lecturecasting with Audio and Video
Developing Media Literacy and Critical Thinking with WikiPedia
Building and Supporting Smart School Networks

If you’d like to visit with me about the possibility of presenting one or more of these sessions for your school or organization, I’d love to talk!

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