Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley Fryer

Digital Citizenship

Remember citizenship classes in school? Required and important, these lessons went to the heart of why we have a public education system in the United States in the first place. By educating our population, we hope each person can more constructively contribute to society and effectively exercise their rights as well as fulfill their duties as a citizen of our great nation.

We have a need today for a new type of citizenship instruction in schools: Digital Citizenship. Mike Ribble is doing a lot of work at Kansas State on the topic of digital citizenship that should get the attention of K-20 educators. The Digital Citizenship website he is collaborating with others to create and maintain is on:

Internet safety is a subset of digital citizenship, according to the work Mike and others are doing. There is a great article on “Digital Citizenship at All Grade Levels” by Mark and Gerald Bailey in the March 2006 issue of Learning and Leading with Technology. Unfortunately that article is not available as a free download, but only accessible by paying L&L subscribers. The Digital Citzenship resources at Kansas State’s website ARE free, however. The themes of digital citizenship are:

Digital Etiquette
Digital Communication
Digital Education
Digital Access
Digital Commerce
Digital Responsibility
Digital Rights
Digital Safety
Digital Security

I don’t have a tag for digital citizenship, but do have a few links saved on the topic of Internet Safety. Seattle-area educator Mark Ahlness is putting together an educational presentation for his parents next week that will focus on Internet safety issues, and possibly others included under this broader topic of “digital citizenship.” If you have other resources to suggest appropriate for that audience and purpose, you might leave Mark a comment on his blog. If you know of other web resources focused on issues of digital citizenship you recommend, please comment here and share the links! 🙂



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